First Appearance: The Lightspeed Megazord was recieved in "Lightspeed Teamwork" in order to defeat Magnivore
Zords in the Lightspeed Megazord: Pyro Rescue 1,
Aero Rescue 3, Aqua Rescue 2,
Haz Rescue 4, and Med Rescue 5
Zord Descriptions: Pyro Rescue 1 is a fire truck that has an extended ladder that has hands, Aqua Rescue 2 can put out fires,
Aero Rescue 3 is equipped to put out fires in the air, Haz Rescue 4 is able to catch spaceships from the sky, and Med Rescue 5 is able to put
cars in the zord
Where they are stored: These 5 zords are stored in the Rail Rescues which are stored in the Train Bay. To get to the zords, the rangers
go thru a room in the Lightspeed Aqua Base and on a platform, it takes the rangers up with the Train Bay as it arises from the water onto
the surface
Formations: Hydro Mode is a formation that uses zords 3, 4, and 5. This allows fires to be put out and still be walking
Attacks: Another feature to the Lightspeed Megazord is an attack called "Power Thrusts". This attack uses the ladders from Pyro Rescue 1 in megazord mode and thrusts these
ladders at the enemies from long distances. These ladders are so strong, they can throw an enemy to its' destruction.
Weapons: The sword that the Lightspeed
Megazord has is the Lightspeed Megazord Sabre. For its' finisher, the zord "ignites" and draws a fire in the shape of a circle than slashes the circle which
hits the enemy.
Formations: The Lightspeed Megazord can also combine with the Max Solarzord to make the Max Lightspeed Megazord.
Differences in GoGoV:Called Victory Robo, destroyed in the final episode, rangers needed a key card to access them the first time with Liner Boy