Joel Rawlings

The "Sky Cowboy"


First appeared:"Operation Lightspeed"
Last appearence:Undetermined
Played by:Keith Robinson

Joel is the newest green ranger in the history of Power Rangers. He is the first "rebelous" character in the power ranger series, and yet, is a "ladies man". Joel has problems working with other people, and thought that Captain Mitchell was "crazy" and thought bringing him to the Lightspeed Aqua Base was illegal and it was kidnapping. Nevertheless, he still joined the team when the city was attacked the first time. Before that, Joel worked for an airplane company, doing stunts and being known as the "sky cowboy". He was a huge hit, and everyone wanted an autograph from him. Joel was the first to be confronted by the two men in black suits. After the sucessful mission was complete, he bragged about his cool moves. The next episode, Joel met Miss Fairweather and he had a huge crush on her. When they met, Joel introduced that he was the Green Ranger and that he had a top secret mission and a meeting with Cap. Mitchell. Then, on his morpher, Kelsey said he was late for a meeting, Joel went to the flower shop instead. When he got back, Captain Mitchell found out instead of going to the meeting, he went to the flower shop but forgave him because the city was being attacked. Joel didn't know anything about the meeting, and it would hurt him later. When Joel first flew the Aero Rescue 3, Joel was off-task and Cap. Mitchell yelled at him. Appearently, when the building the citizens were trapped, Joel thought he could go in but Miss Fairweather knew that Aero Rescue 3 didn't have enough power. Cap. Mitchell then said that Joel must combine the zords. Joel still thought he had enough power, but gave up and combined the zords. Later, when Carter's Pyro Rescue 1 was in trouble, Miss Fairweather told Cap. Mitchell that Aero Rescue could help, and Cap. Mitchell told Joel to go and help. Joel thought of another idea, but before he could say finish it, Miss Fairweather yelled at him and told him to obey the order. When the rangers got back to the base later, Carter told him that they would have to work as a team in order to beat the demons. Joel agreed and said he would concentrate and said that there would be no more goofing around and gave the flowers to Chad. After that, he saw Miss Fairweather and walked away from the group, went back, and mugged the flowers from Chad, and ran towards Miss Fairweather and told her he needed to talk with her as the other rangers looked disappointed. Joel then found out that she works at the base, and then gave her the flowers and an autographed picture of him. When Ms. Fairweather asked Joel about the mission, Joel said it was good but that some expert told him how to fly, some deletron designer, and said that he doesn't need help from a computer geek. Then, Ms. Fairweather let it out and said that she would let the Sky Cowboy overload his engines next time and let him explode and shoved the flowers back to Joel and left. Joel then turned around and saw his friends make an impression of a plane falling and exploding. Joel then found out she designed everything.


Joel drives Aero Rescue 3, and stands in the back of the Rescue Humvee, and always wears a cowboy hat.

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