Lightspeed Rescue Episode #1

"Operation Lightspeed"

Written by: Judd Lynn

Directed by: Ryuta Tasaki

We see some mountains and some sand with some foot prints and 4 amigos with a camel.

One guy says he can't believe it, and he is seeing a marage.

Well, looks like this series is back on Earth.

They see something, and the guy with the camel turns to go to some ruins.

Everyone else follows.

They run over their, thinking that they will find water.

Three of the dudes look for water while the other guy sits down.

Two find a hole, but no water and almost fall in.

The guy that sat down has water, and drinks it, but before he does drink it, the ground shakes.

The structure the guy sat on is the one making the ground shake.

The ground opens up and already the second time someone has fallen.

But this time the dude is all alone and he can be seen.

The guy looks around and sees statues while his friends are asking if he is ok.

The guy shouts back that he's found the inner tube or something similar to that.

The others seem excited and go down.

One guy gets a torch whlie the others go down, (one falls by the way).

The guy with the torch looks around and then finds gold.

Then, they see a casket that has spider webs on it and a lot of dust.

One guy pushes the skeleton next to it over and it breaks.

The wheel on the casket turns and a statue of a dragon's face breathes some fog.

One guy says to get out of here while the another guy wants to open it.

They open it with a lot of effort.

At first, nothing happens but then an explosions occurs and pushes the 4 back.

Then, evil spirits come out laughing.

The guys are terrified as the spirits escape the ruins and head to wherever land.

Opening Credits

Now we're in a city as the spirits go by and terrify many citizens of, um, wherever we're in now.

The spirits go by and knock down a few people and makes some important documents fly everywhere.

We now see a girl walking as we hear some dude say that they should be double-checked. (What, his lunch?)

The girl addresses the guy as captain, and says that something has come up.

The guy looks up, and is shocked. (maybe they ran out of tuna in the city)

Dana, the one who I was calling "girl", knods her head, and the guy says that he will finish whatever later as the other people leave, as they were in a meeting.

Dana then tells the guy that they've escaped and addresses the guy as "father".

The father then asks his dauther if she's sure.

The guy then opens an electronic safe as he gets whatever is in their. (his lunch?)

He gets the box or folder or whatever. (I've never seen a lunch in the shape of a rectangular prism)

He looks at the box or folder, and opens it and says "to bring them on in". (I feel sorry for the lunch if it is in their)

We see an advertisement that reads "sky cowboy" and some dude named "Joel". (Must have his lunch or caters his lunch) We then see an old fashioned airplane do a loop.

Then, we see the guy whose name is Joel, he has a cowboy hat and some funky looking clothes. (so, he makes a lunch and does airplane stunts at the same time, interesting)

We then see a crowd cheering for Joel and a banner with Joel's name and Sky Cowboy on it as an announcer says the same thing.

We see another picture as Joel signs it and gives a wink to whoever it is.

Everyone seems to want an autograph.

Then, some dudes in black suits walk up to the crowd. (they must be picking up the lunch)

Joel signs another autograph and gives another wink as a girl taps Joel's shoulder and Joel sees the Men in Black.

Joel seems shocked as he looks up. (They could be from the IRS, if Joel didn't pay his taxes)

We see a car window roll down electronically as we see Dana from before, look at the rear-view mirror as we see the Men in Black and Joel come towards the car.

Dana looks at the picture of Joel in the folder, then closes it as Joel and the Men in Black comes closer to the car.

Then, we see a girl clime a pretty high cliff.

We see a close up, as she's really sweating and still going.

She then reaches the top, and we see the same Men in Black tell the girl named Kelsey Winslow to come with them.

Kelsey doesn't seem thrilled, and wonders who they are.

Now were in Sea World as we see a whale do a neat trick.

Then, we see my next target as "wuss".

We see the whale come up as the wuss goes to a bucket of fish.

As he gets it, the same Men in Black go up to him and say his name, Chad Lee. (I admit i thought it was wuss)

Chad seems thrilled as he looks like his pants just fell down.

We the Dana again with a picture of the wuss, close the folder with the picture in it.

Now, we see a building on fire with fire fighters all over.

The same men in black are there and they ask a fire fighter where is Carter Grace.

The fire fighter says that he's up on the ladder.

We see him run up the ladder, and yells closer twice.

Dana gets out of the car with ANOTHER folder.

We then see Carter make a long jump into the building.

We see the picture of Carter, looked at by Dana. (HE looks like he can be the wuss of Lightspeed Rescue)

We see Carter in the building now, looking for people.

He pushes over a box and finds someone on the floor, and tells the little girl that she'll be ok.

He helps the girl get up and tells her to stay close to him.

Then, he looks towards a hallway and we see a familiar face as Carter seems shocked.

We see it again and the familiar face laughs as a burst of fire is fired towards Carter.

We see Carter now dive out as the team of fire fighters catch Carter and the girl.

Carter then sees the young lady as Carter is wondering what she is doing.

Dana says she's a paramedic, and says not to worry as Carter thanks her.

Dana then takes care of the girl and then yells for an ambulance.

Then, Carter goes to what looks like the fire truck as he looks up at the building.

Dana and the men in black now come up to Carter as Dana asks that although it is a bad time, she wants him to come with her. (Who wouldn't?)

Carter looks confused, but he eventually says yes.

Now, we see the same spirits with the PRLG background music.

They're heading towards a big pyramid.

We see three funky looking dudes, one says that their free, to reclaim the palace of Queen Bansheera.

The second one says she's not here.

Then, he tells Vypra (the third of the group) that they must care for her son, Impus. (He looks like a doofus)

Then, he asks Loki who did this. (Meaning, who destroyed Queen Bansheera).

Loki says that humans did to Diabolico. (So the first guy was Loki, second was Diabolico, and the third was Vypra)

Loki explains that humans built building right on top of their palace.

Diabolico isn't too sure about that, but then Loki shows the proof.

We see two cities, then Diabolico says that they'll destroy the city on top brick by brick. (Probably means block by block)

Now we see a helicopter that is heading towards an island. (Hawaii maybe?)

Now we go in the helicopter as we see Carter, Chad, and Joel. (Chad looks like he had an accident)

Carter looks out and is the first to know that they're going on a submarine.

Kelsey thinks it's going to be excellent.

We now see the helicopter go towards the submarine.

Now, the submarine is underwater as we see it go by.

We see the submarine now go towards a big, underwater city. (Atlantis?)

The submarine then docks into one of the domes. (Just like on Terra Venture)

We see all sorts of people going into Lightspeed Aquabase including the five mentioned in the 1000's of words ago.

Chad is complaining of where they are as Kelsey thinks it's cool.

We see Joel now who looks bored.

So Joel pushes three buttons and the alarm goes off. (Definetely isn't the fire alarm)

Dana looks moody as she stops the alarm and then drags Joel away. (well, actually just pulls Joel away)


Now we're in another room as we see Carter and Dana walk in.

Dana's father is then welcomes the five to the Lightspeed Aquabase.

We see Carter as he's speechless.

Then, out of nowhere, Joel comes up and is trash talking Dana's father.

Joel says that he doesn't know who he is, and thinks it's illgeal because he is kidnapping.

Dana's father introduces himself as Captain William Mitchell, and he explains that no one will be held against their will.

Joel spends no time thinking on staying but Captain Mitchell says that after everyone hears his long, boring speech.

Joel is stopped by a hand as Captain Mitchell tells everyone to have a seat. (Joel looks like he's having a cow)

The four sit down, as Captain Mitchell says that 5,000 years ago, Earth was inhabitied by evil spirits.

Then, he renames them as demons, and says their only purpose, was to destroy and conquer.

We now see the same scene as in the beginning.

Captain Mitchell says that luckily, there was a warlock that was strong enough to stop them.

We see a dude clap his hands as the casket is now closed.

While that was happening, Captain Mitchell said that the demons were captured, but he feared one day that they would be released and cause trouble to Mariner Bay. (So that's what the new city is called)

We see the same amigos now as they came down the hole as Cap. Mitchell says that their dreams have come true.

Captain Mitchell tells the whole story again but he addresses the amigos as nomads.

Captain Mitchell then says that Lightspeed has developed technology and high-tech weapons that he thinks can stop these demons.

We see a close-up of each of the rangers and a picture of them, the same one that Dana looked at.

While this is happening, Cap. Mitchell explains that because of their skills, they have been chosen to use those weapons to defend Mariner Bay, and to become Lightspeed Power Rangers. (now it can't get any worse than that)

Everyone except Dana though.

Kelsey now complains that they built the whole aqua base just for the four of them to fight off some 5,000 year old demons.

Cap. Mitchell says that it's putting it simple and admits it's true.

Joel then acts like a fool by saying he heard the cap out, he thinks he's nuts, and then he leaves.

Then, Carter says wait that sounds similar to Leo's voice from PRLG.

Joel just stands their, as Carter talks to himself.

Carter says that whatever explains it, as he remembers when he was saving the girl, he saw something or someone in the flames, and thinks it was one of the demons.

Dana asks her father, he thinks, and hears a beep.

It's like a phone, as Dana hands him it, and the guy tells him something important, as Cap. Mitchell asks to put it up on the monitor.

We see buildings getting crushed and the demon spirits knocking people down.

We see close-ups now of Carter, Kelsey, Chad, and Joel. (Chad again looks like he had a spill)

We see stuff falling and people hurt as Cap. Mitchell says that the city needs the four.

Joel is the first to say he or she is in, then Kelsey, then Chad, but Joel...

Everyone looks at Joel, Joel somehow is in.

Captain Mitchell goes over to a box with the GoGoV logo on it and opens the box.

Their are 5 Rescue Morphers but there are only four people.

The four pick them up, as they put them on there wrist, Dana finds out there are five, and her dad says she's the fifth.

Her dad says that he's been training 18 years for it, as we see a folder with her picture in it, and her dad asks if she wants it, she accepts.

She picks up the last morpher, and goes over to where the five over, and Captain Mitchell tells the rangers it's time for work.

We see the rangers walk towards a room, as Dana instructs her new mates to grab a jacket.

Each person gets one, and they go to a room with a nice looking yellow jeep, similar to the one in Ninja Turtles, the Next Mutation.

One guy gives the go, as Carter drives and Joel is stuck standing in the back.

We see the jeep light up and go down as it drives through a tunnel and out a door as we see it go on a road.

Now, we see the monster that Carter saw and some foot-soilders.

The foot-soilders start attacking innocent civilians.

We see Carter looking closely as he hits the break and nearly misses another car.

We see all five rangers looking at people running as everyone is terrified.

The rangers then decide to help.

Joel is the first to fight, as he gives one punch but recieves another.

We see Kelsey now give a knee and then falls on the stairway.

There are people near here, and she instructs them to go.

We see Chad do a jump kick and orders all the people behind him to go.

Chad then ducks a kick and a block and gives a kick of his own.

We see Carter now driving the jeep towards the demon.

The demon fires a fire ball twice as big explosions occur, one in front and one behind.

The jeep goes out of control as Carter hits his head on the wheel.

A few seconds later, the monster picks Carter up and tosses him towards a poll.

Now we see Joel getting a kick in the stomach, Kelsey thrown at a railing, Dana getting kneed, and Chad getting a slap on the back.

We see Carter now struggling to get up and telling Cap. Mitchell that the monsters are too strong for them.

Cap. Mitchell tells the rangers to use their morphers.

The five rangers agree to do so as they get up.

Now, Carter tells the demon (who he claims has a hot temper) that if he wants to destroy Mariner Bay, they have to go through the rangers.

The rangers hold up their morphers and morph by saying just "Lightspeed Rescue".

We see the morphed rangers, as they feel the fresh power and the civilans cheering.

We find out the the black foot-soilders are called Batlings.

The Power Rangers go into battle by saying "Power Rangers Rescue Ready!".

We see the fighting as Carter uses his blaster three times, Joel once, Chad using some fancy kicks, Kelsey doing what Maya could do in PRLG, and Dana just doing swordwork.

Now, we see the demon tell Carter he's toast as he fires a fireball at Carter but Carter ducks out of the way.

Then, Carter fires his laser at the demon as Chad and Dana flip over their and do the same.

The demon is real hurt now, as all the rangers fire together and destroy the demon as he blows up. (The rangers do some nifty gun work before they demorph)

The rangers "Lightspeed Power Down" as a bunch of civilians go over and cheer the new rangers on.


We're back now as the Lightspeed Aquabase staff cheer on the new rangers.

They clear the path where Captain Mitchell waits as Joel talks about his moves and tells that if they show up again, they'll wait and see what happens.

Joel then comes to attention.

Cap. Mitchell then says that there is a time to celebrate, but this is not it, and he claims that Diabolico knows the Lightspeed Power Rangers exist.

He also says that this was a piece of cake.

Kelsey thinks that they just destroyed Diabolico. (she was REALLY misinformed)

Captain Mitchell then says that it was one of his many monsters and that if they want to defeat them, they have a lot of work to do as Carter accepts it and everyone does the salute.
